Shallan is a slim, pale-skinned young woman in her late teens with auburn-red hair that reaches past the middle of her back, and blue eyes.
3.5.8 Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath. 3.3 Journey to the Shattered Plains ( 1173). She is bonded to a deadeye Cryptic named Testament as well and is able to summon her as a Shardblade in addition to Pattern. Eventually, during the Battle of Narak, her bond with Pattern allowed her to become the first Lightweaver to be revealed as a Knight Radiant since the Recreance. Shallan has a bond with the Cryptic Pattern, allowing her to manifest Pattern as a Shardblade and giving her access to her powers as a Surgebinder. She also learns of and shares in Jasnah's quest to stop the mysterious and calamitous Voidbringers. While acting as an apprentice to Jasnah Kholin, she became the causal betrothed of Jasnah's cousin, Prince Adolin Kholin, who she later married following the Battle of Thaylen Field. Hailing from a mid-level noble house in Jah Keved, Shallan lived a sheltered life on her father's estate until the age of seventeen, when she left to seek an apprenticeship under Princess Jasnah Kholin as a scholar. She is also renowned for her extraordinary talent of accurately reproducing even fleeting scenes with photographic accuracy. Shallan is an emerging scholar whose greatest achievement is the discovery of the legendary city Urithiru. Shallan Davar, also known as Veil or Radiant, is a lighteyed Lightweaver of the Knights Radiant from Jah Keved.